Welcome 2 my kawaii hell

hellurrr!!!!! this amateur web master currently going by eden ^q^ i plan to make this website my personal oc hub/ blog / corner of da web, but as you can see it is .. a huge wip;; don't worry about it though ...

cool sites : tba...... (im shy!)


to do

  • figure out how to make stamps autoscroll
  • add blog
  • finish/finalize homepage
  • fix about page
  • add every...other page, basically...


0204 added stuff to homepage + sort of fixed about page? also added blog placeholder( mydreamwidth) and other page placeholders 020125 moaer formatting edits nya........ 012125 homepag e edits again and i sorta fixed its formatting ?still weird on narrower windows though. also edited about page 120224 more edits made,mainly to homepage
052724 minor edits made
052624 edited main page a bit and added about page! its sure been a whiel... lol...
040424 did base ?? layout?? not finsihsed at ALL!!!! is this how a changelog wokrs.. wtv 1!!1